Creation of a Novel Child Simulator and Curriculum to Optimize Administration of Seizure Rescue Medication.

Coral M Stredny, Theodore Sheehan, Justice Clark, Catherine Tishel, Colleen Gagnon, Tara Kelly, Cheryl Cahill, Brianna O'Connell, Kelsey Graber, Gregory Loan, Stephen Wilson, Peter W Forbes, Tobias Loddenkemper, Peter H Weinstock

Simulation in healthcare : journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare(2023)

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INTRODUCTION:Although most cases of pediatric convulsive status epilepticus start in the prehospital setting, many patients do not receive treatment. The use of prehospital seizure rescue medications by caregivers is crucial, but studies suggest a lack of proper training on medication use. METHODS:We created a novel proof of principle mannequin and simulation for training proper administration of rectal diazepam, with a scoring paradigm to standardize and assess the educational process. RESULTS:Twenty-three health care providers (nurses and nurse practitioners, residents/fellows, and attending physicians) and 5 patient guardians/parents were included in the study. The rectal diazepam simulator displayed a high degree of physical and emotional realism (mean ≥ 4/5 on Likert scale survey) that effectively decreased time to treatment (-12.3 seconds; SD, 16.3) and improved the accuracy of medication delivery in a simulation setting (-4.2 points; SD, 3.1). The scoring technique had appropriate interrater reliability (≥86% on all but 2 prompts) and was a feasible instrument to assess the effectiveness of the educational intervention. CONCLUSIONS:A unique procedure-focused child simulator and rescue medication score offer an innovative and effective means to train caregivers on the use of lifesaving seizure rescue medications.
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