Deep stacked pinball transfer matrix machine with its application in roller bearing fault diagnosis

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence(2023)

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At present, the matrix-based classification methods have played an extremely important role to mechanical fault diagnosis. However, the traditional matrix-based classification methods are mostly shallow classifiers, which are difficult to obtain the deep-seated sensitive features of vibration signals. To learn and extract low-rank structure information, a new deep stacked pinball transfer matrix machine (DSPTMM) is proposed to enhance the performance of traditional shallow matrix-based classifiers, which takes the stacking generalization principle as the main idea. In DSPTMM, a pinball transfer module (PTM) is constructed as the basic module of deep stacking network, in which the pinball loss is used to achieve an enhanced noise robustness. Specifically, PTM performs the function to obtain the weak prediction of the previous module, and the original results of previous weak prediction are modified by random projection and then will be input as a new feature set in the next module. Therefore, DSPTMM has a better classification performance and can modeled without enough annotation samples. Extensive experiments are carried out on two different datasets of roller bearing, and the results of experiment show that the proposed DSPTMM can use limited samples to establish the accurate model.
Deep stacked pinball transfer matrix machine,Stacking generalization principle,Transfer learning,Roller bearing,Fault diagnosis
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