Nomogram for the personalisation of radiotherapy treatments in breast cancer patients


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Introduction: Numerous prospective studies have shown that the incorporation of genomic assays into clinical practice significantly impacts the choice of adjuvant treatments for patients with early-stage breast cancer. However, the same evidence does not exist for the treatment of locoregional recurrences. Hypothesis and objectives: The main objective of this work was to identify the clinicopathological, molecular, and genetic parameters that allow patients to be more precisely categorised into risk groups, in order to create a locoregional recurrence riskclassiflcation tool, the PersonalRT27. Hypothesis and objectives: The main objective of this work was to identify the clinicopathological, molecular, and genetic parameters that allow patients to be more precisely categorised into risk groups, in order to create a locoregional recurrence riskclassiflcation tool, the PersonalRT27. Material and methods: To create PersonalRT27, we retrospective assessed the variables of patients with early breast cancer (stages I or II) who had undergone the OncotypeDx (R) and MammaPrint (R) genetic tests. These variables and factors included in the tests were categorised and weighted to obtain scores between 1 and 5 pointsto represent a lower or higher risk of relapse, respectively, based on these factors and as determined by the researchers. Results: The mean follow-up time was 60.5 months (range 25-96 months); locoregional progression-free survival at the time of the analysis was 98.4%, and overall survival was 97.5%, of which 0.6% of the deaths had been cancer specific. The area under the curve for the PersonalRT27 was 0.76 (95% CI [0.70, 0.81]), sensitivity was 78%, and the specificity was 58.9%. We used these factors to create an inhospital web-based nomogram. Conclusions: The PersonalRT27 is a novel tool that integrates clinical-pathological, molecular, and genetic parameters. External and independent validation will be required to implement its clinical use. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Cancer de mama, Breast cancer, Plataformas genomicas, Genetic assays, Recaida local, Local relapse, Radioterapia, Radiotherapy
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