What is a rhythm for the brain? The impact of contextual temporal variability on auditory perception


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Temporal predictions can be formed and impact perception when sensory timing is fully predictable: for instance, the detection of a target sound is enhanced if it is presented on the beat of an isochronous rhythm. However, natural sensory stimuli, like speech or music, are not entirely predictable, but still possess statistical temporal regularities. We investigated whether temporal expectations can be formed in non-fully predictable contexts, and how the temporal variability of sensory contexts affects auditory perception. Specifically, we asked how “rhythmic” an auditory stimulation needs to be in order to observe temporal predictions effects on auditory discrimination performances. In this behavioral auditory oddball experiment, participants listened to auditory sound sequences where the temporal interval between each sound was drawn from gaussian distributions with distinct standard deviations. Participants were asked to discriminate sounds with a deviant pitch in the sequences. Auditory discrimination performances, as measured with deviant sound discrimination accuracy and response times, progressively declined as the temporal variability of the sound sequence increased. Temporal predictability effects ceased to be observed only for the more variable contexts. Moreover, both global and local temporal statistics impacted auditory perception, suggesting that temporal statistics are promptly integrated to optimize perception. Altogether, these results suggests that temporal predictions can be set up quickly based on the temporal statistics of past sensory events and are robust to a certain amount of temporal variability. Therefore, temporal predictions can be built on sensory stimulations that are not purely periodic nor temporally deterministic. Significance statement The perception of sensory events is known to be enhanced when their timing is fully predictable. However, it is unclear whether temporal predictions are robust to temporal variability, which is naturally present in many auditory signals such as speech and music. In this behavioral experiment, participants listened to auditory sound sequences where the timing between each sound was drawn from distinct gaussian distributions. Participant’s ability to discriminate deviant sounds in the sequences was function of the temporal statistics of past events: auditory deviant discrimination progressively declined as the temporal variability of the sound sequence increased. Results therefore suggest that auditory perception is sensitive to prediction mechanisms that are involved even if temporal information is not totally predictable. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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