Spatial variation in the association between agricultural activities and bird communities in Canada

The Science of the total environment(2023)

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Agriculture is one the main drivers of bird decline in both Europe and North America. While it is clear that agri-cultural practices and changes in the rural landscape directly and indirectly affect bird communities, we still do not know the extent to which these impacts might change across broad spatial and temporal scales. To address this question, we combined information on agricultural activities with occurrence and abundance of 358 bird species across five time periods spanning 20 years in Canada. As a proxy for agricultural impact, we used a com-bined index that included different agricultural metrics, such as cropland and tillage area and area treated with pesticides. We found that agriculture impact was negatively associated with bird diversity and evenness across all 20 years studied, but these associations seemed to vary by region. We found good support for an overall neg-ative association between agriculture impact and bird diversity and evenness in the Eastern and Atlantic regions but weaker associations in the Prairies and Pacific. These findings suggest that agricultural activities result in bird communities that are less diverse and disproportionately benefit certain species. The spatial variation in the impact of agriculture on bird diversity and evenness we observed is likely a result of regional differences in the native vegetation, the type of crops and commodities produced, the historical context of agriculture, as well as the native bird community and the extent of their association with open habitat. Thus, our work provides support for the idea that the on-going agricultural impact on bird communities, while largely negative, is not uni-form, and can vary across broad geographic regions.
Agricultural intensi fication,Land cover change,Pesticides,Insecticides,Canadian Census of Agriculture,Breeding Bird Survey
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