Blamelessly Optimal Control For Polytopic Safety Sets


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In many safety-critical optimal control problems, users may request multiple safety constraints that are jointly infeasible due to external factors such as subsystem failures, unexpected disturbances, or fuel limitations. In this manuscript, we introduce the concept of blameless optimality to characterize control actions that a) satisfy the highest prioritized and feasible safety constraints and b) remain optimal with respect to a mission objective. For a general optimal control problem with jointly infeasible safety constraints, we prove that a single optimization problem cannot find a blamelessly optimal controller. Instead, finding blamelessly optimal control actions requires sequentially solving at least two optimal control problems: one to determine the highest priority level of constraints that is feasible and another to determine the optimal control action with respect to these constraints. We apply our results to a helicopter emergency landing scenario in which violating at least one safety-induced landing constraint is unavoidable. Leveraging the concept of blameless optimality, we formulate blamelessly optimal controllers that can autonomously prioritize human safety over property integrity.
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