A Low-Frequency Approximation PEEC Model for Thin-Wire Grounding Systems in Half-Space

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery(2023)

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This paper presents a PEEC model of thin-wire structures for lightning grounding analysis based on low-frequency approximation of dyadic Green's functions. To avoid the time-consuming numerical Sommerfeld integrals, the primary and quasi-dynamic terms are extracted from the spectral-domain Green's function and used as the low-frequency approximation closed-form of the full-wave solution, which is appropriate in the near-field region. The corresponding equivalent circuit is constructed with this closed-form approximated Green's function and the formulas for the partial inductance and coefficient of potential is given. Comparison in terms of the Green's function and circuit parameters between the proposed method and the conventional modified-image method is made. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed with experimental results gathered from published literature and MOM-calculated results from other researchers. A systematic parametric analysis is conducted to evaluate the accuracy and applicability of the different approximate models, which clearly shows the superiority of the proposed method over the traditional modified-image method.
Closed-form,dyadic green's function,lightning transient,low-frequency approximation,modified-image method,partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC),parametric analysis
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