A two-stage downscaling hydrological modeling approach via convolutional conditional neural process and geostatistical bias correction

Journal of Hydrology(2023)

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Hydrological modeling plays an indispensable role in many practical applications, such as hydrology, water resources assessment, and environmental survey. Downscaling approach is able to obtain high-resolution hy-drological models according to a prior reference model. In this work, we propose a downscaling hydrological modeling approach based on convolutional conditional neural processes (ConvCNP) and a novel geostatistical bias correction, named ConvCNP-GBC. A two-stage downscaling modeling workflow is presented. In the model building stage, to reduce the training consumption of the ConvCNP, low-resolution conditioning data are used for training. In the model generating stage, the ConvCNP is used to reconstruct coarse-scale realizations based on upscaling sampled conditioning data and to generate high-resolution realizations by downscaling. Besides, a geostatistical bias correction strategy is presented to refine large-scale realizations with high-resolution condi-tioning data constraints. The experimental results confirm that ConvCNP-GBC can reproduce heterogeneous patterns by using coarse-scale conditioning data and characterize hydrological structures. The downscaled re-alizations also have a high spatial correspondence with the coarse-scale realizations, which provide fine sub-surface heterogeneous structures. The proposed method can be easily extended to reservoir modeling, geophysical inversion, etc.
Hydrological modeling, Convolutional conditional neural process, Geostatistical bias correction, Deep learning
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