Transformation of ICEBall to fIREBall for conversion electron spectroscopy

Kevin Lee, Christina Dulal,Wanpeng Tan,Armen Gyurjinyan, Ethan Sauer,Shelly Lesher,Ani Aprahamian

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2023)

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Conversion electron spectroscopy is a valuable tool in nuclear structure studies, but the complex spectra resulting from the high density of levels in the spectra of heavy nuclei make it difficult to extract the most beneficial information from singles measurements. This work reports on the transformation of ICEBall, which was a mini-orange spectrometer that was used in coincidence with various Germanium detector arrays, to the improved fInternal conveRsion Electron Ball (fIREBall) spectrometer for the improved measurements of E0 transitions and conversion electron coefficients. A combination of FreeCAD, COMSOL, and Geant4 simulations were implemented to optimize the geometries for the magnet filters used in the spectrometer to significantly improve the efficiency of electron collection in the energy range of interest 200 keV-1 MeV. The array of six mini-orange Si(Li) detectors are to be replaced with six new, thicker Si(Li) detectors. Experimental tests reported here show a peak improvement in absolute efficiency from 2.8% to 5.3% for the 482 keV K electron line in 207Bi for a single magnet filter and detector pair.
conversion electron spectroscopy,iceball,fireball
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