The development of Web-based information system using quick UDP internet connection

Poetri Lestari Lokapitasari Belluano,Benny Leonard Enrico Panggabean,Purnawansyah Purnawansyah, Kasmira Kasmira

Ilkom Jurnal Ilmiah(2022)

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The Academic Information System (xSIA) is built to its users to manage Study Program modules, including student academic grades. xSIA applying the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) was developed by implementing Quick UDP Internet Connection (QUIC) technology with the HTTP/3 protocol which can demonstrate protocol transaction speed performance. The design of information systems and databases employs the Convention Over Configuration paradigm. The Prototyping Model is used to graphically represent the workflow of the system with an experimental research design. System modeling utilizes Unified Modeling Language (UML) tools, Data Base Management System (DBMS) using PostgreSQL, and UDP ports as a means of data communication. The implementation of Quick UDP Internet Connection (QUIC) on the xSIA moodle LMS is effective for real-time communications that do not require conditions to open, maintain, or terminate connections as in streaming video conference. It is also optimal because the UDP data is transferred individually and checked for its integrity upon arrival. When a video streaming transaction last 02:36 seconds with a file size of 4.1mb, there is a significant difference of 100.98ms in the waiting time to first byte (ttfb).
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