Disparities in the workup of stillbirths in the NICHD's stillbirth collaborative research network study

Shakeela Faulkner,Brian Nguyen


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To identify racial and sociocultural disparities in the hospital workup of stillbirth in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development’s Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network Study (SCRN). We conducted a secondary analysis of publicly-accessible data from SCRN, a multi-center study of factors linked to stillbirth—fetal death at 20+ weeks. Using X2-tests, we identified disparities in the receipt of recommended evaluations for stillbirth by race, education, and language (English versus Spanish), restricted to cases with a non-anomalous fetus. The SCRN evaluated 3,383 stillbirths, 34.5% Black and 16.3% Hispanic, average age 28 years, and average gestational age at stillbirth was 31.3 +/- 6.4 weeks. Approximately half (51.5%) were college educated. Nearly 10% had a previous stillbirth. Black and Hispanic people were more likely than White people to have had fetal autopsy (87.8% and 89.1% vs 82.4%; p< 0.01) and less likely to have had fetal karyotyping (80.6% and 84.1% vs 87.2%; p< 0.01). Among those without prior stillbirth, Black and Hispanic people were less likely to have had lupus anticoagulant testing (32.5% and 31.6% vs 59.6%; p< 0.01). Even if no substance use in pregnancy, Black and Hispanic people were more likely to receive toxicology testing (47.6% and 60.3% vs 12.9%; p< 0.01). Among those without prior stillbirth, those who did not finish high school were less likely to have lupus anticoagulant testing than those who completed high school or attended college (70.7% vs 58.9% and 49.8%; p< 0.01). Despite no substance use in pregnancy, those who did not finish high school were more likely to undergo toxicology testing at the time of stillbirth compared to those with a high school diploma or some college education(100% vs 11.1% and 39.1%; p< 0.01). Even in a federally funded, multicenter, cohort study, we noted racial and sociocultural disparities in stillbirth evaluation. Explanations for these disparities warrant further examination.View Large Image Figure ViewerDownload Hi-res image Download (PPT)
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