Assessment of awareness towards proper management for hypertensive and diabetic patients at various clinics of hyderabad, sindh, pakistan


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Objective: Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by a collection of other associated organ impairment i.e. Retinopathy, Cardiomyopathy and Nephropathy. While hypertension termed as silent killer. However, the cases of diabetes rise on daily basis throughout the world. Moreover, it is predicted that by year 2025, diabetes will prevail throughout the globe by 75–80% population if better steps would not be taken to curb it. Similarly as per USP, therapy based proper counseling is very important in management of Diabetes. At the other hand, Pakistan among those countries, which includes a huge number of diabetic and hypertensive patients and the figure, increases day by day. Design and method: For the purpose of study, 300 patients enrolled via random sampling technique from various clinical settings of Hyderabad a city of Sindh, Pakistan. Similarly, the samples were further classified into two groups, i.e. controlled group and test group respectively. However, 50% of total collected sample was placed in each group. Similarly, most of the patients with DM-2 were belonged to urban areas i.e. 68%. Subsequently 42% patients were among the age range 40 to 49 years. However, the malignant patients with certain cancer or tumors were not a part of this study. Result and Conclusion: Based on various collected data it was concluded that most of the patients were unaware about proper management of this fatal disorders. Therefore, it is the keen responsibility of the healthcare providers to properly educate the patient with such lethal disorder regarding the life style modification and medication therapy concomitantly in order to curtail disorder-induced mortality.
hypertensive,sindh,various clinics,proper management
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