Lived experiences of participants in the world gymnaestrada: recognizing "for all"


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Participation in events is about experiences. These experiences are unique to individuals. From phenomenology, as we live the world, we get to know things and others. This process constructs our identity and expands our being-in-the-world. This article aims to reflect on the lived experiences of 16 participants of a Gymnastics for All (GfA) team at the XVI World Gymnaestrada (WG) event. Observations and in-depth interviews were used, on which phenomenological analysis was performed. The validity and trustworthiness were guaranteed by having a critical friend, member review and data triangulation. The results showed that even when having previous information about the event, the gymnasts and staff did not have the real dimension of WG. This recognition came by being there. They pointed out that it was not just about the high number of people -it was about different people coming together; it was not about a specific discipline of gymnastics but rather all disciplines together; not about the traditional gymnastics apparatus but rather gymnastics using diverse artifacts. For them, the plurality of GfA came alive in the movements, performances, themes, and profiles of the gymnasts. It made them believe they were gymnast. In addition, reflections on a sporting event with no competition and the professional development were recorded. Managing, studying, and researching GfA is important. However, promoting lived experiences in gymnastics events should also be valued as an effective learning space, enchantment, and promotion of GfA.
gymnastics,sporting events,qualitative research
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