Supplemental Methods, Tables 1-9, and Figures 1-9 from Notch1 Activation or Loss Promotes HPV-Induced Oral Tumorigenesis

Rong Zhong,Riyue Bao, Pieter W. Faber, Vytautas P. Bindokas, John Bechill, Mark W. Lingen,Michael T. Spiotto


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Supplemental Methods, Tables 1-9 and Figures 1-9. Supplemental Methods: Animals; Sleeping Beauty transposon mapping; Reagents and antibodies; HPV recombination, T2/Onc excision and Hras mutation specific PCRs. Supplemental Table 1: Mouse strains used in this study. Supplemental Table 2: Primers used in the generation of insertional mutagenesis libraries. Supplemental Table 3: Common insertion sites (CIS) in DMBA and 4-NQO treated HPV-positive and HPV-negative tumors. Supplemental Table 4: Characterizations of Notch1 insertions. Supplemental Table 5: Transposon orientation and frequency for candidate genes in Figure 3B. Supplemental Table 6: Differentially expressed genes in KHR compared to KHR-N-/- and KHR-N+/- tumors. Supplemental Table 7: Differentially expressed genes in KHR-N-/- compared to KHRNICD tumors. Supplemental Table 8: Comparison of pathway analysis for KHR-N+/- and KHR-N-/- tumors compared to KR-N-/- tumors. Supplemental Table 9: Summary of GSEA Hallmark gene sets significantly enriched in KHRNICD and KHR-N-/- tumors. Supplemental Figure 1. LSL-HPV recombination, T2/Onc transposition and Ha-Ras mutations in HPV-positive and HPV-negative tumors. Supplemental Figure 2. Sleeping Beauty insertional mutagenesis accelerated tumorigenesis in 4-NQO treated HPV-positive and HPV-negative mice. Supplemental Figure 3. Tumors with activating T2/Onc insertions have higher Notch1 expression compared to tumors with inactivating T2/Onc insertions. Supplemental Figure 4. Validation of NICD expression in KHRNICD oral tumors. Supplemental Figure 5. KHRNICD oral tumors had increased Hes1 and Hey1 nuclear expression. Supplemental Figure 6. KHR and KHRNICD oral tumors had similar CK14 expression. Supplemental Figure 7. KHR and KHR-Notch1+/- and KHR-Notch1-/- oral tumors had similar CK14 expression. Supplemental Figure 8. KHR, KHR-Notch+/- and KHR-Notch-/- oral tumors have invasive components. Supplemental Figure 9. NOTCH1 somatic mutations in ALTCL, CESC and HNSC patients.

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