Computer Science and Equity for All: Integrating Equity into the Core of New York City's Computer Science for All Initiative.

Madison C. Allen Kuyenga, Christy R. Crawford

SIGCSE (2)(2023)

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The New York City Department of Education's Computer Science for All (CS4All) Initiative offers various programs for the development of computer science knowledge to students, administrators, and teachers. The professional learning curriculum places an emphasis on broadening the participation of students who identify as girls, Black, and Latinx/ae. The CS4All Equity team works in collaboration with a transdisciplinary group of experts in culturally responsive and sustaining education (CR-SE). The team and these experts develop a curriculum for supporting culturally responsive and sustaining professional development among all computer science (CS) teachers. This curriculum includes ongoing, lecture style sessions to develop knowledge about practices and pedagogy, long-term group sessions for deep thinking and socioemotional learning, and recurring opportunities for civic engagement. In this Lightning Talk, we discuss the strategies of EECS to support teacher development in culturally responsive and sustaining computer science education (CR-S CSE) strategies and ideas for future development and relationships that are informed by current research in CR-S CSE.
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