Protecting Data Integrity of Web Applications with Database Constraints Inferred from Application Code.

ASPLOS (2)(2023)

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Database-backed web applications persist a large amount of production data and have high requirements for integrity. To protect data integrity against application code bugs and operator mistakes, most RDBMSes allow application developers to specify various types of integrity constraints. Unfortunately, applications (e.g., e-commerce web apps) often do not take full advantage of this capability and miss specifying many database constraints, resulting in many severe consequences, such as crashing the order placement page and corrupting the store inventory data. In this paper, we focus on the problem of missing database constraints in web applications. We first study several widely used open-source e-commerce and communication applications, and observe that all these applications have missed integrity constraints and many were added later as afterthoughts after issues occurred. Motivated by our observations, we build a tool called CFinder to automatically infer missing database constraints from application source code by cleverly leveraging the observation that many source code patterns usually imply certain data integrity constraints. By analyzing application source code automatically, CFinder can extract such constraints and check against their database schemas to detect missing ones. We evaluate CFinder with eight widelydeployed web applications, including one commercial company with millions of users. Overall, our tool identifies 210 previously unknown missing constraints. We have reported 92 of them to the developers of these applications, so far 75 are confirmed. Our tool achieves a precision of 78% and a recall of 79%.
Data integrity, Database constraints, Web applications, Static analysis
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