Gate-All-Around Technology is Coming. What's Next After GAA?

ISPD '23: Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Physical Design(2023)

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Currently, the industry is transitioning from FinFETs to gate-all-around (GAA) technology and will likely have several GAA technology generations in the next few years. What's next after that? This is the question that we are trying to answer in this project by benchmarking GAA technology with transistors on 2D materials and stacked transistors (CFETs). The main objective for logic is to get a meaningful gain in power, performance, area, and cost (PPAC). The main objective for SRAM is to get a noticeable density scaling for the SRAM array and its periphery without losing performance and yield. Another objective is to move in the direction that has a promise of longer-term progress, such as to start stacking two layers of transistors before moving to a larger number of transistor layers. With that in mind, we explore and discuss the next steps beyond GAA technology.
Design-Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO), GAA, complementary field effect transistor (CFET), stacked transistors, CMOS logic, SRAM, digital twins, TCAD (technology computeraided design), virtual PDK (process design kit)
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