Improvements and gaps in the empirical expressions for the fill factor of modern industrial solar cells

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells(2023)

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This study assesses and improves the accuracy of commonly used expressions for the fill factor (FF). Parameters that could affect the accuracy of the revised expressions are investigated. Empirical coefficients of the commonly used analytical expressions are first recalculated using a modified fitting approach. Although the predictions of the revised expressions perfectly match the results of theoretical one-diode model simulations, gaps are observed when compared with actual measurements. The different impacts of unaccounted factors in the expressions are then explored. It is shown that adjusting the ideality factor or considering edge recombination improves the accuracy of the predictions. Moreover, the expressions can slightly overestimate the FF of cells with non-uniform implied open-circuit voltage distribution. As methods to extract electrical parameters from luminescence images continuously improve, the findings of this study can aid in developing techniques for extracting FF from lumi-nescence images of industrial solar cells.
Fill factor,Empirical expressions,Ideality factor,Recombination,Non-uniformity
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