A comprehensive view on the quercetin impact on bladder cancer: Focusing on oxidative stress, cellular, and molecular mechanisms.

Fundamental & clinical pharmacology(2023)

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Bladder cancer (BC) is known as a prevalent genitourinary malignancy and has a significant mortality rate worldwide. Despite recent therapeutic approaches, the recurrence rate is high, highlighting the need for a new strategy to reduce the BC cell progression. Quercetin, a flavonoid compound, demonstrated promising anticancer properties and could be used in the management of various malignancies such as BC. This comprehensive review summarized quercetin's cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying anticancer activities. The study's findings indicated that quercetin prevents the proliferation of the human BC cell line, promotes apoptosis of BIU-87 cells, reduces the expression of p-P70S6K, and induces apoptosis by p-AMPK. Moreover, quercetin restricts tumor growth through the AMPK/mTOR cascade and prevents colony formation of human BC cells by triggering DNA damage. Studying this review article will help researchers better understand quercetin's functional role in the prevention and treatment of BC.
apoptosis,bladder cancer,cell proliferation,oxidative stress,quercetin
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