Reproductive tactics, birth timing and the trade-off between risk avoidance and foraging in an income breeder


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The behavioural trade-off between foraging and risk avoidance is expected to be particularly acute during gestation and lactation, when the energetic demands of reproduction peak. We investigated how female roe deer, an income breeding ungulate, adjust their management of this trade-off during the birth period in terms of foraging activity and habitat use. We showed that activity levels of reproductive females more than doubled immediately following parturition, when energy demand is highest. Moreover, reproductive females increased their use of open habitat during daytime and ranged closer to roads, but slightly further from refuge woodland, compared to non-reproductive females. However, these post-partum modifications in behaviour were particularly pronounced in late-parturient females who adopted a more risk prone tactic, presumably to compensate for the fitness handicap of their late-born offspring. In income breeders, individuals that give birth late may be forced to trade risk avoidance for resource acquisition during peak allocation to reproduction, likely with significant fitness consequences. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
reproductive tactics,risk avoidance,birth timing,trade-off
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