Relationship between neural activity and neuronal cell fate in regenerating Hydra revealed by cell-type specific imaging


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Understanding how neurons regenerate neural circuits following an injury is a fundamental question in neuroscience. Hydra is a powerful model for studying this process because it has significant and reproducible regenerative abilities, a simple and transparent body that allows imaging over time, and established methods for creating animals with cell-type-specific expression of transgenes. In addition, cnidarians such as Hydra split from bilaterians (the group that encompasses most model organisms used in neuroscience) over 500 million years ago, so similarities with other models likely indicates deeply conserved biological processes. Hydra is a long-standing regeneration model and is an emerging model for neuroscience; however, relatively little is known regarding the restoration of neural activity and behavior following significant injury. In this study, we ask if regenerating neurons reach a terminal cell fate and then reform functional neural circuits, or if neural circuits regenerate first and then guide the constituent cells toward their terminal fate. To address this question, we developed a dual-expression transgenic Hydra line that expresses a cell-type-specific red fluorescent protein (tdTomato) in ec5 peduncle neurons, and a calcium indicator (GCaMP7s) in all neurons. This transgenic line allowed us to monitor neural activity while we simultaneously track the reappearance of terminally differentiated ec5 neurons as determined by the expression of tdTomato. Using SCAPE (Swept Confocally Aligned Planar Excitation) microscopy we tracked both calcium activity and expression of tdTomato in 3D with single-cell resolution during regeneration of Hydra aboral end. We observed tdTomato expression in ec5 neurons approximately four hours before the neural activity begins to display synchronized patterns associated with a regenerated neural circuit. These data suggest that regenerating neurons undergo terminal differentiation prior to re-establishing their functional role in the nervous system. The combination of dynamic imaging of neural activity and gene expression during regeneration make Hydra a powerful model system for understanding the key molecular and functional processes involved in neuro-regeneration following injury. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
neuronal cell fate,neural activity,cell fate,specific imaging,cell-type
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