Integrative epigenetic analysis reveals AP-1 promotes activation of tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cells in HCC

Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS(2023)

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Regulatory T (Treg) cells that infiltrate human tumors exhibit stronger immunosuppressive activity compared to peripheral blood Treg cells (PBTRs), thus hindering the induction of effective antitumor immunity. Previous transcriptome studies have identified a set of genes that are conserved in tumor-infiltrating Treg cells (TITRs). However, epigenetic profiles of TITRs have not yet been completely deciphered. Here, we employed ATAC-seq and CUT&Tag assays to integrate transcriptome profiles and identify functional regulatory elements in TITRs. We observed a global difference in chromatin accessibility and enhancer landscapes between TITRs and PBTRs. We identified two types of active enhancer formation in TITRs. The H3K4me1-predetermined enhancers are poised to be activated in response to tumor microenvironmental stimuli. We found that AP-1 family motifs are enriched at the enhancer regions of TITRs. Finally, we validated that c-Jun binds at regulatory regions to regulate signature genes of TITRs and AP-1 is required for Treg cells activation in vitro. High c-Jun expression is correlated with poor survival in human HCC. Overall, our results provide insights into the mechanism of AP-1-mediated activation of TITRs and can hopefully be used to develop new therapeutic strategies targeting TITRs in liver cancer treatment.
Tumor-infiltrating Treg cells,Epigenetic profiles,Chromatin accessibility,Enhancer,AP-1,c-Jun
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