A Robust Theory of Series Parallel Graphs.

Proc. ACM Program. Lang.(2023)

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Motivated by distributed data processing applications, we introduce a class of labeled directed acyclic graphs constructed using sequential and parallel composition operations, and study automata and logics over them. We show that deterministic and non-deterministic acceptors over such graphs have the same expressive power, which can be equivalently characterized by Monadic Second-Order logic and the graded ` -calculus. We establish closure under composition operations and decision procedures for membership, emptiness, and inclusion. A key feature of our graphs, called synchronized series-parallel graphs (SSPG), is that parallel composition introduces a synchronization edge from the newly introduced source vertex to the sink. The transfer of information enabled by such edges is crucial to the determinization construction, which would not be possible for the traditional definition of series-parallel graphs. SSPGs allow both ordered ranked parallelism and unordered unranked parallelism. The latter feature means that in the corresponding automata, the transition function needs to account for an arbitrary number of predecessors by counting each type of state only up to a specified constant, thus leading to a notion of counting complexity that is distinct from the classical notion of state complexity. The determinization construction translates a nondeterministic automaton with = states and : counting complexity to a deterministic automaton with 2(n2) states and := counting complexity, and both these bounds are shown to be tight. Furthermore, for nondeterministic automata a bound of 2 on counting complexity suffices without loss of expressiveness.
series-parallel graphs,distributed stream processing,regular languages,logic in computer science
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