A Two-Timescale Stochastic Algorithm Framework for Bilevel Optimization: Complexity Analysis and Application to Actor-Critic.

SIAM J. Optim.(2023)

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This paper analyzes a two-timescale stochastic algorithm framework for bilevel opti-mization. Bilevel optimization is a class of problems which exhibits a two-level structure, and its goal is to minimize an outer objective function with variables which are constrained to be the optimal solution to an (inner) optimization problem. We consider the case when the inner problem is un-constrained and strongly convex, while the outer problem is constrained and has a smooth objective function. We propose a two-timescale stochastic approximation (TTSA) algorithm for tackling such a bilevel problem. In the algorithm, a stochastic gradient update with a larger step size is used for the inner problem, while a projected stochastic gradient update with a smaller step size is used for the outer problem. We analyze the convergence rates for the TTSA algorithm under various settings: when the outer problem is strongly convex (resp. weakly convex), the TTSA algorithm finds an O(K-2/3 max )-optimal (resp. O(Km-}ax2/5)-stationary) solution, where Kmax is the total itera-tion number. As an application, we show that a two-timescale natural actor-critic proximal policy optimization algorithm can be viewed as a special case of our TTSA framework. Importantly, the natural actor-critic algorithm is shown to converge at a rate of O(K-1/4 max ) in terms of the gap in expected discounted reward compared to a global optimal policy.
bilevel optimization, two-timescale stochastic approximation, actor-critic
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