Contrastive Model Adaptation for Cross-Condition Robustness in Semantic Segmentation


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Standard unsupervised domain adaptation methods adapt models from a source to a target domain using labeled source data and unlabeled target data jointly. In model adaptation, on the other hand, access to the labeled source data is prohibited, i.e., only the source-trained model and unlabeled target data are available. We investigate normal-to-adverse condition model adaptation for semantic segmentation, whereby image-level correspondences are available in the target domain. The target set consists of unlabeled pairs of adverse- and normal-condition street images taken at GPS-matched locations. Our method -- CMA -- leverages such image pairs to learn condition-invariant features via contrastive learning. In particular, CMA encourages features in the embedding space to be grouped according to their condition-invariant semantic content and not according to the condition under which respective inputs are captured. To obtain accurate cross-domain semantic correspondences, we warp the normal image to the viewpoint of the adverse image and leverage warp-confidence scores to create robust, aggregated features. With this approach, we achieve state-of-the-art semantic segmentation performance for model adaptation on several normal-to-adverse adaptation benchmarks, such as ACDC and Dark Zurich. We also evaluate CMA on a newly procured adverse-condition generalization benchmark and report favorable results compared to standard unsupervised domain adaptation methods, despite the comparative handicap of CMA due to source data inaccessibility. Code is available at
contrastive model adaptation,segmentation,robustness,cross-condition
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