Exploring the experiences and responses of siblings living with a brother or sister with obsessive compulsive disorder.

Psychology and psychotherapy(2023)

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OBJECTIVES:The impact of having a child with diagnosed obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can reportedly cause significant disruption to caregiver routines and negatively affect their mental health. Less is known about the impact to other first-degree relatives such as siblings due to limited research. It should not be assumed that findings in the caregiver literature can simply be applied to siblings. This study, therefore, aimed to explore the experiences and responses of cohabiting siblings of a brother or sister with an OCD diagnosis. METHOD:Eight participant siblings were recruited from a UK specialist OCD NHS clinic and interviewed via telephone about their experiences co-habiting with a brother or sister with OCD. Interviews were transcribed and subjected to interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). RESULTS:Two superordinate themes of 'OCD as a dangerous dictator' and the 'unifying/polarising influence of OCD on relationships' were interpreted from the eight participant experiences. Siblings spoke to OCD creating a dictatorial environment characterised by sibling loss, helplessness and adjustment. This fragile domestic environment seemingly pushed non-anxious siblings to the periphery of the family or conversely centralised their position through parentification. CONCLUSIONS:Many of the sibling experiences of frustration, distress avoidance, helplessness and symptom accommodation are mirrored in the burgeoning caregiver literature. Longitudinal studies are required to track sibling experiences over the course of their siblings OCD journey and expand our knowledge in this area. Counselling services, sibling support groups and inclusion in family assessment, formulation and treatment are possible avenues of exploration for siblings of those with an OCD diagnosis.
OCD,accommodation,anxiety,co-habiting,impact,obsessive-compulsive disorder,siblings
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