Connecting the Dots: Context-Driven Motion Planning Using Symbolic Reasoning


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The introduction of highly automated vehicles on the public road may improve safety and comfort, although its success will depend on social acceptance. This requires trajectory planning methods that provide safe, proactive, and comfortable trajectories that are risk-averse, take into account predictions of other road users, and comply with traffic rules, social norms, and contextual information. To consider these criteria, in this article, we propose a non-linear model-predictive trajectory generator. The problem space is populated with risk fields. These fields are constructed using a novel application of a knowledge graph, which uses a traffic-oriented ontology to reason about the risk of objects and infrastructural elements, depending on their position, relative velocity, and classification, as well as depending on the implicit context, driven by, e.g., social norms or traffic rules. Through this novel combination, an adaptive trajectory generator is formulated which is validated in simulation through 4 use cases and 309 variations and is shown to comply with the relevant social norms, while taking minimal risk and progressing towards a goal area.
account predictions,adaptive trajectory generator,comfortable trajectories,context-driven motion planning,contextual information,dots,highly automated vehicles,implicit context,infrastructural elements,knowledge graph,minimal risk,nonlinear model-predictive trajectory generator,proactive, trajectories,problem space,public road,relative velocity,relevant social norms,risk fields,risk-averse,road users,safe trajectories,safety,social acceptance,symbolic reasoning,traffic rules,traffic-oriented,trajectory planning methods
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