In vitro and in vivo metabolic profiling of PD105, a PI3K delta inhibitor, using UHPLC-Q-Exactive plus-MS

Xenobiotica; the fate of foreign compounds in biological systems(2023)

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PD105, a PI3K delta inhibitor, is a candidate for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. This study aims to identify the metabolic profiling in vitro and in vivo by UHPLC-Q-Exactive Plus-MS.The in vitro metabolism of PD105 was studied by mouse liver microsomes and hepatocytes, while the in vivo metabolic profiling was obtained from mouse plasma, urine, and faeces. A total of 20 metabolites were tentatively identified based on accurate mass, fragment pathways, and characteristic fragment ions, including 4 in vitro and 20 in vivo.The proposed metabolic pathways of PD105 showed that there were 18 phase I metabolites and 2 phase II metabolites. The phase I metabolic pathways included oxidation, hydration, desaturation and oxidative dechlorination, while the phase II metabolic reactions were mainly methylation and arginine conjugation. Among them, oxidation was the main metabolic pathway of PD105.The comprehensive metabolic profiling contributed to further elucidation of pharmacological action and mechanism of PD105.
PD105,metabolism,UHPLC-Q-Exactive plus MS,in vitro,in vivo
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