Photodegradation of a bacterial pigment and resulting hydrogen peroxide release enable coral settlement

Scientific reports(2023)

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The global degradation of coral reefs is steadily increasing with ongoing climate change. Yet coral larvae settlement, a key mechanism of coral population rejuvenation and recovery, is largely understudied. Here, we show how the lipophilic, settlement-inducing bacterial pigment cycloprodigiosin (CYPRO) is actively harvested and subsequently enriched along the ectoderm of larvae of the scleractinian coral Leptastrea purpura . A light-dependent reaction transforms the CYPRO molecules through photolytic decomposition and provides a constant supply of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), leading to attachment on the substrate and metamorphosis into a coral recruit. Micromolar concentrations of H 2 O 2 in seawater also resulted in rapid metamorphosis, but without prior larval attachment. We propose that the morphogen CYPRO is responsible for initiating attachment while simultaneously acting as a molecular generator for the comprehensive metamorphosis of pelagic larvae. Ultimately, our approach opens a novel mechanistic dimension to the study of chemical signaling in coral settlement and provides unprecedented insights into the role of infochemicals in cross-kingdom interactions.
bacterial pigment,coral,hydrogen peroxide,hydrogen peroxide release
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