Comparison of Subjective Responses to Cyclosporine 0.05% Versus Lifitegrast 5.0% in Individuals With Dry Eye Disease


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Purpose:The aim of the study was to examine subjective responses to cyclosporine A (CsA) 0.05% versus lifitegrast 5% in individuals with dry eye disease.Methods:This study was a retrospective review of individuals with clinically diagnosed dry eye disease treated with both CsA 0.05% and lifitegrast 5% over the course of their disease. Information collected included demographics, comorbidities, and dry eye disease signs. Treatment preferences were noted as mild or strong for a particular medication, no preference, or unable to tolerate either medication. The primary outcome measure was patient-reported medication preference. The secondary outcome measure was an examination of individual and eye factors that related to medication preference.Results:Sixty-four individuals (mean age 66.73 +/- 13.17 years; 82.8% male, 71.9% White, 29.7% Hispanic) used both CsA and lifitegrast over the course of their disease. Of those, 33 preferred CsA (12.5% mildly and 39.1% strongly), 14 preferred lifitegrast (3.1% mildly and 18.8% strongly), 12 had no preference (18.8%), and 5 could not tolerate either medication (7.8%) due to side effects. No demographic characteristics, comorbidities, or ocular surface findings correlated with medication preference.Conclusions:In individuals who used both CsA 0.05% and lifitegrast 5% over the course of their disease, a higher frequency of individuals preferred CsA. No clinical factors correlated with medication preference.
Restasis,Xiidra,antiinflammatory agents,cyclosporine,lifitegrast,dry eye disease
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