Singular Direction-Based Quantizer and Receiver Designs for User Cooperative Distributed Reception

IEEE Systems Journal(2023)

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In this article, we develop a distributed reception system to fully utilize spatial multiplexing gain by exploiting the massive connections in beyond fifth-generation networks. In a distributed reception system, assistant receiving nodes have to quantize the received signals in order to forward them to a final destination node. A signal quantizer with high-resolution codebooks can improve signal quantization performance, although it burdens the data-exchange link between devices. We propose signal quantization and reception strategies to facilitate the distributed reception system by allowing a small amount of data-exchange. First, we develop a singular direction-based signal quantizer to include more channel gain in the received signals by employing low-resolution codebooks. Furthermore, we develop a minimum mean square error type receiver for a user cooperation network to facilitate distributed reception without the aid of a fusion center. Lastly, a quantization resource allocation algorithm is developed to maximize network throughput by using limited quantization resources. Simulation results are presented to evaluate the sum-rate performance of the quantized distributed reception system.
Distributed reception,signal quantization,user cooperation,ultradense network
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