Resolvins and cysteinyl-containing pro-resolving mediators activate resolution of infectious inflammation and tissue regeneration

Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators(2023)

引用 6|浏览16
This review is a synopsis of the main points from the opening presentation by the authors in the Resolution of Inflammation session at the 8th European Workshop on Lipid Mediators held at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, June 29th, 2022. Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPM) promote tissue regeneration, control infections and resolution of inflammation. These include resolvins, protectins, maresins and the newly identified conjugates in tissue regeneration (CTRs). We reported mechanisms of CTRs in activating primordial regeneration pathways in planaria using RNA-sequencing. Also, the 4S,5S-epoxy-resolvin intermediate in the biosynthesis of resolvin D3 and resolvin D4 was prepared by total organic synthesis. Human neutrophils convert this to resolvin D3 and resolvin D4, while human M2 macrophages transformed this labile epoxide intermediate to resolvin D4 and a novel cysteinyl-resolvin that is a potent isomer of RCTR1. The novel cysteinyl-resolvin significantly accelerates tissue regeneration with planaria and inhibits human granuloma formation.
Human leukocytes,Neutrophils,M2 macrophages,Wound healing
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