Shortcut Learning Through the Lens of Early Training Dynamics

ICLR 2023(2023)

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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are prone to learn shortcut patterns that damage the generalization of the DNN during deployment. Shortcut Learning is concerning, particularly when the DNNs are applied to safety-critical domains. This paper aims to better understand shortcut learning through the lens of the learning dynamics of the internal neurons during the training process. More specifically, we make the following observations: (1) While previous works treat shortcuts as synonymous with spurious correlations, we emphasize that not all spurious correlations are shortcuts. We show that shortcuts are only those spurious features that are "easier" than the core features. (2) We build upon this premise and use instance difficulty methods (like Prediction Depth) to quantify "easy" and to identify this behavior during the training phase. (3) We empirically show that shortcut learning can be detected by observing the learning dynamics of the DNN's early layers, irrespective of the network architecture used. In other words, easy features learned by the initial layers of a DNN early during the training are potential shortcuts. We verify our claims on simulated and real medical imaging data and justify the empirical success of our hypothesis by showing the theoretical connections between Prediction Depth and information-theoretic concepts like V-usable information. Lastly, our experiments show the insufficiency of monitoring only accuracy plots during training (as is common in machine learning pipelines), and we highlight the need for monitoring early training dynamics using example difficulty metrics.
shortcut learning,spurious correlations,convolutional neural networks,deep learning,machine learning,computer vision,training dynamics
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