Functional space analyses reveal the function and evolution of the most bizarre theropod manual unguals

Communications biology(2023)

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Maniraptoran dinosaurs include the ancestors of birds, and most used their hands for grasping and in flight, but early-branching maniraptorans had extraordinary claws of mysterious function. Alvarezsauroids had short, strong arms and hands with a stout, rock-pick-like, single functional finger. Therizinosaurians had elongate fingers with slender and sickle-like unguals, sometimes over one metre long. Here we develop a comprehensive methodological framework to investigate what the functions of these most bizarre bony claws are and how they formed. Our analysis includes finite element analysis and a newly established functional-space analysis and also involves shape and size effects in an assessment of function and evolution. We find a distinct functional divergence among manual unguals of early-branching maniraptorans, and we identify a complex relationship between their structural strength, morphological specialisations, and size changes. Our analysis reveals that efficient digging capabilities only emerged in late-branching alvarezsauroid forelimbs, rejecting the hypothesis of functional vestigial structures like T. rex . Our results also support the statement that most therizinosaurians were herbivores. However, the bizarre, huge Therizinosaurus had sickle-like unguals of such length that no mechanical function has been identified; we suggest they were decorative and lengthened by peramorphic growth linked to increased body size.
bizarre theropod manual unguals,functional space analyses,evolution
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