The context-dependent role of transforming growth factor-β/miR-378a-3p/connective tissue growth factor in vascular calcification: a translational study.


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BACKGROUND:Vascular calcification (VC) constitutes an important vascular pathology with prognostic importance. The pathogenic role of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) in VC remains unclear, with heterogeneous findings that we aimed to evaluate using experimental models and clinical specimens. METHODS:Two approaches, exogenous administration and endogenous expression upon osteogenic media (OM) exposure, were adopted. Aortic smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) were subjected to TGF-β1 alone, OM alone, or both, with calcification severity determined. We evaluated miR-378a-3p and TGF-β1 effectors (connective tissue growth factor; CTGF) at different periods of calcification. Results were validated in an ex vivo model and further in sera from older adults without or with severe aortic arch calcification. RESULTS:TGF-β1 treatment induced a significant dose-responsive increase in ASMC calcification without or with OM at the mature but not early or mid-term VC period. On the other hand, OM alone induced VC accompanied by suppressed TGF-β1 expressions over time; this phenomenon paralleled the declining miR-378a-3p and CTGF expressions since early VC. TGF-β1 treatment led to an upregulation of CTGF since early VC but not miR-378a-3p until mid-term VC, while miR-378a-3p overexpression suppressed CTGF expressions without altering TGF-β1 levels. The OM-induced down-regulation of TGF-β1 and CTGF was also observed in the ex vivo models, with compatible results identified from human sera. CONCLUSIONS:We showed that TGF-β1 played a context-dependent role in VC, involving a time-dependent self-regulatory loop of TGF-β1/miR-378a-3p/CTGF signaling. Our findings may assist subsequent studies in devising potential therapeutics against VC.
aortic calcification,connective tissue growth factor,microRNA,transforming growth factor-β,vascular calcification
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