α1,3-Fucosyltransferase-IX, an enzyme of pulmonary endogenous lung stem cell marker SSEA-1, alleviates experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia


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Background Endogenous pulmonary stem cells (PSCs) play an important role in lung development and repair; however, little is known about their role in bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). We hypothesize that an endogenous PSC marker stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) and its enzyme, α1,3-fucosyltransferase IX (FUT9) play an important role in decreasing inflammation and restoring lung structure in experimental BPD. Methods We studied the expression of SSEA-1, and its enzyme FUT9, in wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 mice, in room air and hyperoxia. Effects of intraperitoneal administration of recombinant human FUT9 (rhFUT9) on lung airway and parenchymal inflammation, alveolarization, and apoptosis were evaluated. Results On hyperoxia exposure, SSEA-1 significantly decreased at postnatal day 14 in hyperoxia-exposed BPD mice, accompanied by a decrease in FUT9. BPD and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in human lungs showed decreased expression of SSEA-1 as compared to their term controls. Importantly, intraperitoneal administration of FUT9 in the neonatal BPD mouse model resulted in significant decrease in pulmonary airway (but not lung parenchymal) inflammation, alveolar–capillary leakage, alveolar simplification, and cell death in the hyperoxia-exposed BPD mice. Conclusions An important role of endogenous PSC marker SSEA-1 and its enzyme FUT9 is demonstrated, indicating early systemic intervention with FUT9 as a potential therapeutic option for BPD. Impact Administration of rhFUT9, an enzyme of endogenous stem cell marker SSEA-1, reduces pulmonary airway (but not lung parenchymal) inflammation, alveolar–capillary leak and cell death in the BPD mouse model. SSEA-1 is reported for the first time in experimental BPD models, and in human RDS and BPD. rhFUT9 treatment ameliorates hyperoxia-induced lung injury in a developmentally appropriate BPD mouse model. Our results have translational potential as a therapeutic modality for BPD in the developing lung.
Medicine/Public Health,general,Pediatrics,Pediatric Surgery
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