Discovery of the luminous X-ray ignition eRASSt J234402.9$-$352640; I. Tidal disruption event or a rapid increase in accretion in an active galactic nucleus?

D. Homan, M. Krumpe, A. Markowitz, T. Saha,A. Gokus,E. Partington, G. Lamer, A. Malyali, Z. Liu, A. Rau, I. Grotova, E. M. Cackett,D. A. H. Buckley,S. Ciroi,F. Di Mille, K. Gendreau,M. Gromadzki,S. Krishnan,M. Schramm,J. F. Steiner


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In November 2020, a new, bright object, eRASSt J234402.9$-$352640, was discovered in the second all-sky survey of SRG/eROSITA. The object brightened by a factor of at least 150 in 0.2--2.0 keV flux compared to an upper limit found six months previous, reaching an observed peak of $1.76_{-0.24}^{+0.03} \times 10^{-11}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. The X-ray ignition is associated with a galaxy at $z=0.10$, making the peak luminosity log$_{10}(L_{\rm 0.2-2keV}/[\textrm{erg s}^{-1}])$=$44.7\pm0.1$. Around the time of the rise in X-ray flux, the nucleus of the galaxy brightened by approximately 3 mag. in optical photometry, after correcting for the host. We present data from Swift, XMM-Newton, and NICER, which reveal a very soft spectrum as well as strong 0.2--2.0 keV flux variability on multiple timescales. Optical spectra taken in the weeks after the ignition event show a blue continuum with broad, asymmetric Balmer emission lines, and high-ionisation ([OIII]$\lambda\lambda$4959,5007) and low-ionisation ([NII]$\lambda$6585, [SII]$\lambda\lambda$6716,6731) narrow emission lines. Following the peak in the optical light curve, the X-ray, UV, and optical photometry all show a rapid decline. The X-ray light curve shows a decrease in luminosity of $\sim$0.45 over 33 days and the UV shows a drop of $\sim$0.35. eRASSt J234402.9$-$352640 also shows a brightening in the mid-infrared, likely powered by a dust echo of the luminous ignition. We find no evidence in Fermi-LAT $\gamma$-ray data for jet-like emission. The event displays characteristics of a tidal disruption event (TDE) as well as of an active galactic nucleus (AGN), complicating its classification. Based on the softness of the X-ray spectrum, the presence of high-ionisation optical emission lines, and the likely infrared echo, we find that a TDE within a turned-off AGN best matches our observations.
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