Insights into the distribution and ingestion of prey-like plastic fishing lures in Mediterranean rough-toothed dolphins.

Marine pollution bulletin(2023)

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Rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) form an isolated subpopulation in the Mediterranean Sea that resides only in the eastern basin. Due to the paucity of records, the conservation threats these dolphins face and their ecology and distribution are poorly understood. While most observations indicate that individuals are found in two isolated clusters in the eastern basin, we hereby present five observations -three visual, one acoustic and one stranding- that possibly extend the range of this subpopulation to the entire offshore waters of the eastern basin. The stomach content remains of the stranded individual revealed a diet based on epipelagic squids and octopods. The stranded dolphin had also consumed seven plastic bags and nine squid-like plastic fishing lures, which had caused a complete gastric blockage and probably led to the stranding. High pollution loads from macroplastics in the Mediterranean Sea may evolve into a new potential threat for this subpopulation.
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