Developing a Rapid Service Prototyping Framework

2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference(2022)

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Rapid service development is in massive demand nowadays, due to the individuality and speed of change of services. However, the development of service prototypes requires a significant investment of time, especially to the novice. The challenge here is to keep the effort and the benefit in balance. We intend this work to provide a framework that enables the rapid development of service prototypes. There is a gap in the literature in this subject area. There are models that demonstrate the approach to service prototyping, but there are currently no frameworks that support a rapid development process. Several frameworks were analyzed and a framework for Rapid Service Prototyping was developed based on a process model. This framework allows service stakeholders to develop a prototype in a short period of time, while keeping the quality in balance. The main advantage is the time saved in developing service ideas, which will reduce the service development costs.
Rapid Service Prototyping,Service Innovation,Smart Services,Service Development,Service Prototyping
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