What Makes Online-Merge-Offline (OMO) Education Succeed? A Holistic Success Model.

HCI (42)(2022)

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Universities all over the world have extensively adopt the OMO teaching method in the post epidemic era. This study aims to investigate what makes OMO education succeed. Based on Community of Inquiry framework, IS Success Model and Use and Gratifications Theory, we develop a holistic success model of OMO learning, intending to explore what affects students" learning satisfaction, and ultimately determine their academic performance. 395 valid responses were collected via a survey. SmartPLS 3 was used to verify the research model and hypotheses. The results show that: students" online learning satisfaction is positively affected by system quality, facilitating discourse and direct instruction, and offline learning satisfaction is positively affected by instructional design and organization, facilitating discourse and direct instruction. Online and offline learning satisfaction jointly affect academic performance. Theoretically, this study empirically explored the outcomes of OMO teaching method. Practically, our findings provided suggestions to improve the OMO teaching efficiency in colleges and universities.
Online-Merge-Offline (OMO), IS success model, Community of inquiry, Uses and gratifications theory, Academic performance
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