Context-Aware Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems(2023)

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Context awareness adds intelligence to and enriches data for applications, services and systems while enabling underlying algorithms to sense dynamic changes in incoming data streams. Context-aware machine learning is often adopted in intelligent services by endowing meaning to Internet of Things(IoT)/ubiquitous data. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are at the forefront of applying context awareness with marked success. In contrast to non-context-aware machine learning models, context-aware machine learning models often perform better in traffic prediction/classification and are capable of supporting complex and more intelligent ITS decision-making. This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent studies in context-aware machine learning for intelligent transportation, especially focusing on road transportation systems. State-of-the-art techniques are discussed from several perspectives, including contextual data (e.g., location, time, weather, road condition and events), applications (i.e., traffic prediction and decision making), modes (i.e., specialised and general), learning methods (e.g., supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised and transfer learning). Two main frameworks of context-aware machine learning models are summarised. In addition, open challenges and future research directions of developing context-aware machine learning models for ITS are discussed, and a novel context-aware machine learning layered engine (CAMILLE) architecture is proposed as a potential solution to address identified gaps in the studied body of knowledge.
Context awareness,machine learning,traffic prediction,decision making,intelligent transportation system
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