The bacterial origin of mitochondria: Incorrect phylogenies and the importance of metabolic traits.

International review of cell and molecular biology(2023)

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This article provides an updated review on the evolution of mitochondria from bacteria, which were likely related to extant alphaproteobacteria. Particular attention is given to the timeline of oxygen history on Earth and the entwined phases of eukaryotic evolution that produced the animals that still populate our planet. Mitochondria of early-branching unicellular eukaryotes and plants appear to retain partial or vestigial traits that were directly inherited from the alphaproteobacterial ancestors of the organelles. Most of such traits define the current aerobic physiology of mitochondria. Conversely, the anaerobic traits that would be essential in the syntrophic associations postulated for the evolution of eukaryotic cells are scantly present in extant alphaproteobacteria, and therefore cannot help defining from which bacterial lineage the ancestors of mitochondria originated. This question has recently been addressed quantitatively, reaching the novel conclusion that marine bacteria related to Iodidimonas may be the living relatives of protomitochondria. Additional evidence is presented that either support or does not contrast this novel view of the bacterial origin of mitochondria.
Aerobic metabolism,Alphaproteobacteria,Anaerobic metabolism,Mitochondria,Phylogenetic trees
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