Multirotor Motor Failure Detection with Piezo Sensor


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Failure detection of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) motors and propulsion systems is the most important step in the implementation of active fault-tolerant control systems. This will increase the reliability of unmanned systems and increase the level of safety, especially in civil and commercial applications. The following paper presents a method of motor failure detection in the multirotor UAV using piezo bars. The results of a real flight, in which the failure of the propulsion system caused the crash of a hybrid VTOL UAV, were presented and analyzed. The conclusions drawn from this flight led to the development of a lightweight, simple and reliable sensor that can detect a failure of the UAV propulsion system. The article presents the outcomes of laboratory tests concerning measurements made with a piezo sensor. An extensive analysis of the obtained results of vibrations recorded on a flying platform arm with a propulsion system is presented, and a methodology for using this type of data to detect failures is proposed. The article presents the possibility of using a piezoelectric sensor to record vibrations on the basis of which it is possible to detect a failure of the UAV propulsion system.
motor failure,detection,diagnostics,piezo sensor,vibration analysis,unmanned aerial vehicles,multirotor
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