Systematic review and meta-analysis of social media for dissemination of research evidence for health and social care practitioners: a protocol (Preprint)


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BACKGROUND Effective dissemination of research to health and social care practitioners enhances clinical practice and evidence-based care. Social media use has potential to facilitate dissemination to busy practitioners. OBJECTIVE This is a protocol for a systematic review that will quantitatively synthesise evidence of the effectiveness of social media, compared to no social media, for dissemination of research evidence to health and social care practitioners. Social media platforms, formats and sharing mechanisms used for effective dissemination of research evidence will also be identified and compared. METHODS We will search Medline, PsycINFO, CINAHL, ERIC, LISTA and OpenGrey, from 2010 to date, and carry out bibliographic searches for full text, English language articles that quantify the effectiveness of social media for dissemination of research evidence to health and social care practitioners. Risk of bias will be assessed using the Cochrane tool for assessing risk of bias (ROB-2) and the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). Quantitative results will be grouped into four domains (reach, engagement, dissemination, and impact) and compared. A meta-analysis will be undertaken if appropriate. RESULTS Pending CONCLUSIONS This systematic review will summarise the evidence for the effectiveness of research evidence dissemination to health and social care practitioners using social media platforms. CLINICALTRIAL PROSPERO Registration: CRD42022378793
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