A Case of Possible Motor-Sensory Symptoms Event Associated with SARS-Coronavirus-2

Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Medicine(2022)

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A new infection emerged into the world which has been declared a global pandemic in December 2019, termed SARS-CoV-2 based on its first pulmonary manifestations. Also, Neurologic consequences can be disturbing complications of these respiratory viral diseases.Here we present a 51-year-old nurse with motor-sensory symptoms following developed mild coryza symptoms including sore throat, general malaise, and conjunctivitis. However, a week of ocular muscle discomfort and weakness preceded coryza symptoms. She was returned negative by nasopharyngeal swab test twice for detection of the SARS-Cov-2 genome by a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Chest X-Ray (CXR) examination. Since the patient had neurological symptoms, MRI was performed, which showed inflammation in the spinal cord and meninges.Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fluid investigation for immunological and Covid-19 examination showed SARS-Cov-2 involvement in this patient. The patient's characteristics show that the involvement of Covid-19 is not limited to the lungs or gastrointestinal tract, and the nervous system, despite the presence of a brain barrier, can be invaded by the virus. From this point of view, we should expect a shadow of the involvement of different parts of the nervous system in Covid-19.
csf fluid,neurologic,sars-coronavirus-2
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