Probírky plodů hrušní a jejich ekonomický potenciál [Thinning of pear fruits and its economical potential]

Vědecké Práce Ovocnářské(2021)

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Regulation of fruit set ensures optimal crop load to attain maximal ratio of fruit sizes with high price. Chemical fruit thinning is currently the most available and safe method for orchards with high flower set. Objective of our trial was to test wide range of known but also new prospective chemical thinners in young pear orchard and determine its economic potential. In our experiment, thinning effect assessed by number of fruits per 100 flower clusters was insignificant among treatments. The exception was the application of abscisic acid in concentration of 300 ppm which caused excessive thinning and partial defoliation. Though some treatments showed only insignificant mild thinning effects, their impact on ratio of fruit sizes was obvious and important from the practical point of view. Real economical example counting possible incomes from hectare shows, that even small thinning effect can have significant positive impact on production profitability.
pyrus sp.,yield,fruit size,price,orchard
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