Patients’ Experiences of a Stress-Management Programme in Primary Care

Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare(2020)

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Sofia Köpsén, 1, 2 Rita Sjöström 2, 3 1Krokom Health Care Center, Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Krokom, Sweden; 2Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden; 3Unit of Research, Education and Development, Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Östersund, SwedenCorrespondence: Sofia KöpsénKrokom Health Care Center, Genvägen 5, Krokom 834 31, SwedenTel +46 730-343099Email sofia.kopsen@gmail.comIntroduction: Stress and stress-related ill health have a multifactorial impact; both on physical and mental health. To better meet this category of patients a primary care unit started a stress-management programme using cognitive behavioural therapy and basic body awareness therapy.Purpose: To describe participant´s experiences of a primary care stress-management programme using cognitive behavioural therapy and basic body awareness therapy.Methods: In a qualitative study, a semi-structured interview guide was used in individual interviews with 9 people, all women aged 41– 57, working or on sick leave, who had enrolled in the stress-management programme. The material was analysed through qualitative content analysis.Results: The analysis resulted in the theme “Process of change for a sustainable everyday living”. The participants described having gained awareness of the symptoms of their stress, knowledge and tools to manage their stress, ways to relax, awareness of their body, and the means to develop better habits and to change their behaviour. Fundamental in the material was the importance of participants’ identification with the others in the group.Conclusion: The participants started a process of change with new knowledge and growth, but they encountered difficulties and obstacles. Behavioural change is a time-consuming process.Keywords: basic body awareness therapy, burnout, cognitive behavioural therapy, exhaustion syndrome, stress rehabilitation, stress-related ill health
basic body awareness therapy,burnout,cognitive behavioural therapy,exhaustion syndrome,stress rehabilitation,stress-related ill health.
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