Yield and Water Productivity Simulation of Different Rice Cultivars under Various Planting Methods using AquaCrop, CropSyst and WOFOST Models

Ikufīziyuluzhī-i Giyāhān-i Zirā̒ī(2021)

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Simulation of rice yield and its water productivity studied using AquaCrop, WOFOST and CropSyst models, in an experiment at Khuzestan Agricultural Research Station. In this study, three types of planting methods (D1: transplanting, D2: direct seeding, and D3: dry bed seeding) and three rice cultivars (V1: Red-Anbori, V2: Champa, V3: Danial) were considered. Results of MBE (0.36 t.ha-1), RMSE (0.1.07 t.ha-1) and NRMSE (0.14 t.ha-1). MBE, RMSE and NRMSE values for water productivity calculated by using AquaCrop model were -0.11 kg.m-3, 0.40 kg.m-3 and 0.15, respectively. The values for yield simulation using WOFSOT model were 0.06 ton.ha-1, 1.14 t.ha-1 and -0.01, respectively, and aforementioned values for water productivity simulated by WOFOST were 0.15 kg.m-3, 0.40 kg.m-3 and -0.13, respectively. The mentioned values for CropSyst simulated as 0.11 t.ha-1, 0.80 t.ha-1 and -0.24 for yield and 0.15 kg.m-3, 0.40 kg.m-3 and -0.14 for water productivity, respectively. According to the results, accuracy for all models were accepted to simulate rice yield and water productivity. However, WOFOST accuracy was better than the other models in most treatments. Thus, it is recommended to use WOFOST for simulation of rice yield and water productivity at different rice cultivars.
carbon- driven model,crop modeling,dry bed seeding,radiation-driven model,water-driven model
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