Research on propagation characteristic of Laguerre–Gaussian vortex beams with Far-field scattering Electric Monte Carlo method

Optics Communications(2023)

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A Far-field Scattering Electric field Monte Carlo (FSEMC) method is proposed to investigate the propagation and imaging characteristics of Laguerre–Gaussian Beams (LGB) with different Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) in long-distance (relative to wavelength) scattering environment. As an extension of the Electric field Monte Carlo (EMC) method, the electric field transport mode is simulated to properly analyze the fading effect of scattering. The mean free path and total transmission length in the simulation are equivalent to the environment parameters of experiment. The beam transmission modes, intensity attenuation and effects on imaging quality through different turbidity media are analyzed. It is observed that vortex beams with different topological charges play a subtle role in transmission through turbid media, showing strong correlations with total transmission intensity, retention of ballistic light, and penetration depth. The experimental results fitting well with the FSEMC simulation results, validating the proposed method for far-field propagation characteristic of vortex beams in turbid media.
Monte Carlo,Range-gated imaging,Laguerre–Gaussian beam,Turbid media,Multiple scattering
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