Well-differentiated Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumors (SLCTs) Are Not Associated With DICER1 Pathogenic Variants and Represent a Different Tumor Type to Moderately and Poorly Differentiated SLCTs.

The American journal of surgical pathology(2023)

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Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors (SLCTs) are uncommon ovarian sex cord-stromal neoplasms which are currently classified into well, moderately, and poorly differentiated and retiform types. Well-differentiated SLCT is the least common and typically occurs in pure form, whereas moderately and poorly differentiated and retiform types often comprise a morphologic spectrum with an admixture of all 3. DICER1 pathogenic variants are very common in SLCTs but, as far as we are aware, have not been reported in well-differentiated neoplasms, although the number of cases studied is small due to the rarity of this neoplasm. We undertook DICER1 molecular testing in a cohort of 18 well-differentiated SLCTs and show all these to be DICER1 wild-type. None of the cases harbored the p. FOXL2 C134W hotspot mutation. Based upon the DICER1 molecular results, together with morphologic observations, we propose that well-differentiated SLCT is an unrelated neoplasm to the more common moderately/poorly differentiated and retiform SLCTs and is a fundamentally distinct and unrelated tumor type within the ovarian sex cord-stromal tumor family. The implications for tumor nomenclature and recommendations for future tumor classification are discussed within the context of tumors collectively known as SLCTs.
ovary,well-differentiated Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor,DICER1,molecular testing
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